Monday, 25 May 2015

Airline Pilot CVs - How to Write Them Effectively

Modern recruitment is so fast paced that employers usually just scan CVs in seconds. The average time is 30 seconds. Consequently, a pilot CV has to contain not just the right information but also the right amount of information. Too much or too little information can diminish a resume's impact.

The length of a good pilot CV should be no more than 2 pages. This is sufficient to highlight your professional experience, education and relevant training. If you are a highly experienced pilot with a lengthy track record, you should consider condensing your information to fit within 2 pages.

A good pilot resume is should be uncluttered, easy to read and have consistency in presentation, font style and font size. The document should be presented in black, headed at the top with your name in bold using font size 14 or 16. The body of your CV should be written using font size 10 or 12. Conventional font styles include Times Roman and Arial. Use either of these and avoid anything that is unconventional. Whichever font style you adopt should be applied consistently throughout the length of you pilot resume.

Below your name, write your address and contact details followed by a confident professional profile. Your profile should briefly outline your background, professional experience along with your career aspirations and objective. This should be presented in a short paragraph consisting of a maximum of four brief sentences. Below your profile, highlight your key skills and competencies within a bulleted list. Try to keep the list to a maximum of 8 lines. Your key skills summary should highlight pilot skills such as:

  • Your excellent communication, inter-personal and customer service skills

  • Ability to synthesise information swiftly and communicate this to others clearly without ambiguity

  • Your experience directing multi-disciplinary teams

  • Your overall total flight time experience

  • Your language skills including level of proficiency

  • Your strong situational awareness and ability to maintain coolness and control in an emergency

The next section on your CV following your key skills summary should feature your professional work experience. Include aircraft type and specific flight times for each aircraft type. Also include starting and leaving dates along with employers' names. Also always try to highlight use of your skills and how those skills were acquired and honed in the course of your work. Your qualifications and training should follow your work experience and should include dates, names of institutions and certifications gained.

After your education and training, the next section should highlight information regarding your licensing. Include license numbers and dates issued. Finally, ensure you write your CV in the third person, keeping the use of "I" to a bare minimum. If you have enough room, include an "Additional Information" section highlighting your interests. Room permitting, you can also include personal details in this section such as date of birth, nationality and marital status.

Searching for a job in SG, you can find a list of latest jobs at wda job bank.

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